Physical Development-HIPPOTHERAPY



PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT:  Hippotherapy is the term used to describe Equine Assisted Physical Therapy.

In Hippotherapy the movement of the horse is utilised (as a travelling piece of amazing gym equipment) to develop and improve natural, co-ordinated and healthy movement in the human body.

Riding a living horse is a physical activity that requires a complex and integrated set of skills that use all the senses including touch, sight, hearing, smell and spacial awareness while on a forward, up, down and side to side (lateral) trajectory. 

Maintaining balance and coordination while at the same time traveling forward  through space. This movement challenge is transmitted to the rider while sitting on a horse. The horse replicates the same bilateral movements the human body naturally is required to make to  walking in a symmetrical, rhythmic and coordinated pattern. 

This is a natural, stimulating, invigorating and above all motivating and fun way of encouraging a person, particularly children with mobility challenges to exercise in a non clinical environment.

Medical Therapists design specific exercises for each client and the work is carriage out by a team of experienced Hippotherapy Horse handlers and assistants under the instruction of the Occupational or Physio Therapist.   The session and exercises are conducted using task focused games in a controlled safe environment, with strict safety protocols and with no less than 2-3  persons plus a suitable trained horse make up the team.  No unnatural contortions are asked for. A healthy, normal way of moving is the best prerequisite for stimulating or improving body awareness and neurological control. 

“Balance in Movement” Susanne von Dietze

(Leader in equestrian biomechanics, physiotherapist, licensed Trainer instructor and judge for dressage and show jumping)

A direct result, and the general benefits horse riding has on the neurology, respiration and circulation of the rider and physical effects on muscles, tendons and joints. The position of sitting on a moving horse without doing anything else is a wholistic exercise in itself.

The movement of the horse at walk stimulates all the same muscles the rider would use if walking. 

The movements created by Riding stimulates the balance by relaying messages from the joints, ligaments and tendons and muscles (the mechanisms of the body) to the balance centre in the inner ear and the brain. 

Repeated Practice improves balance.

The walk naturally rolls the hips from side to side and at the same time goes up, down and forward, creating a three-dimensional movement. It also has the added motion of travelling forward. All this in combination stimulates the senses in a positive and enjoyable way so refreshing and motivationally different from traditional medical therapy interventions.  (This is why Hippo-therapy is so beneficial  for  riders with physical challenges and particularly engaging for young children. 

Horse Riding is a healthy outdoor activity which promotes stamina and general good health.

Find out more about access to this program through Horses and Humans

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Horses And Humans Research 

Global research information of the benefits of Equine Therapy and Hippotherapy. 

International Therapeutic Riding 9th Edition eBook 

Coaching the Para equestrian Rider

Matty Sormani - Coaching RDAA-CAD, Para-equestrian Coach,  Hippotherapy Horse handler, EA Lev 1 Gen. Coach,FEI Lev B Dressage Judge. EAGALA - Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Equine Specialist (since.2013).

Coralie Kedzlie- Coaching RDAA-CAD, On Line Horse College Coach and Assessor Lev 4. RDAA Hippotherapy Horse handler. Para- equestrian coach. EAGALA Equine specialist. 

“Coaching with Courage” Mary L Longdon BHSI, EFA Level 3

Balance in Movement” Susanne von Dietze

Many of our clients have been referred to us by for  Hippo-therapy and Equine Assisted Learning programs by their Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist, Speech Therapists and the Mental Health professionals.